
The nation’s energy use is getting smarter. At last count, some 1.67 million homes in the UK were using a smart thermostat to control their energy usage.

With many more properties embracing this smarter approach, several rewards are being reaped, especially as households face further energy price hikes. If you’re yet to jump on the smart thermostat band wagon, the following guide is a must-read!


What is a smart thermostat?

Smart thermostats are niffy pieces of kit that enable you to manage your heating. Many smart thermostats use app-based functionality allowing you to adjust the temperature of your thermostat, view usage, and switch your heating on and off from your phone wherever you are.


How do smart thermostats work?

Smart thermostats connect your home’s heating system to the internet. They use this internet connection to give you greater control of your home’s heating, with the most basic model offering smart programming and scheduling that can be adjusted at anytime from anywhere via your smartphone or computer.


Smart versus traditional thermostats – which is better?

Unlike traditional thermostats, smart thermostats go beyond the basics, allowing you to devise a schedule that better suits your requirements in real time and decrease or increase heating at the touch of a button.

Some smart thermostats even use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to learn from your heating habits, detect open windows or unexpected draughts, and monitor when you’re away from home to automatically switch your heating off.


Are smart thermostats different from smart meters?

Smart thermostats shouldn’t be confused with smart meters. Smart meters take your gas and electricity readings sending these figures to your supplier(s) automatically to improve the accuracy of your energy bills.

While smart meters use this information to give you greater transparency regarding your usage and costs, smart thermostats allow you to control usage more easily. Essentially, your smart thermostat is your heating system’s remote control!

Smart meters are also supplied and installed for free by your energy provider. Smart thermostats are brought and supplied by you, and fitted professionally at your own expense.


Why should I install a smart thermostat in my home?

A smart thermostat is an excellent way to make sure your home’s heating system caters to your needs, especially if you’re in and out of the house with no set routine. By scheduling your heating and taking advantage of a smart thermostat’s learning capabilities, you can save money on your heating bills and reduce your property’s carbon footprint.

Smart thermostats are particularly easy to install, with many models compatible with a wide range of boilers.

To find out more about the benefits of smart thermostats or to get one installed in your home, use our handy tool to find a plumber today.


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